Yin classes


Sundays online from 10.30-11.30am – £9 (scroll down to view the schedule and book your space)

Based on ancient Chinese and Taoist philosophies, yin yoga is a simple, quiet but powerful practice. Experience this grounding and calming practice which has profound physical, energetic and emotional effects. Despite its relaxed appearance, yin yoga is physically and mentally challenging, but in a very supportive way. While ‘yang’ yoga works on your muscles, ‘yin’ yoga focuses on your fascia – your deep connective tissues. During seated or supine (lying down) postures, practised for several minutes, you will be able to increasingly turn inward and observe the responses of your mind and body, finding ways to breathe through the discomfort and to sit with your thoughts more easily. Physically, you will nourish tissues in the body, easing tightness and deeply held tension. You will target meridians (energy channels) in the body, opening up blockages and allowing Qi or our life force to flow more easily.

Please read before attending a class

Wear loose, comfortable clothes for practice and refrain from a heavy meal for 2 hours before practice. 

Ensure you practice in an area free of obstacles and have 2 yoga bricks (or 2 big books) and a bolster (or 2 bed pillows or a rolled up blanket) to use as props.

Yoga can help improve your health and wellbeing, but it’s important to listen to your body and work to your own limits. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain yourself and stop if you feel pain or dizziness. If you have any existing medical conditions, please first seek advice from your doctor.  If you are pregnant, please refrain from practice for the first trimester. After that, for those with a regular practice, refrain from twists or abdominal tightening asanas.  Yogabliss assumes no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from practicing yoga whether online or face to face.

Please ensure you complete a health questionnaire prior to your first class when booking.